Chris Bamman: What Is His Job, Net Worth and Location? (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Chris Bamman for 2023.

Over the last several years, I have spent many hours watching and researching everything I could about Chris Bamman to learn more about his story.

This article is a Wikipedia of sorts about one of my favourite creators!

You’re about to discover:

➜ How Chris Bamman afforded his boat

➜ How much he makes on YouTube

➜ What boat does he have and its upgrades

➜ Where he lives

➜ How you can get paid online like him

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Chris Bamman FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

Jenny (named after his mother-in-law)

Crew Members

Chris Bamman (age 35)

His wife is Bec Bamman. She does come along on some adventures as a keen fishing enthusiast.

The Boat

Chris Bamman has a 2008 Brooker 500 Discovery.


He has added:

➜ Depth sounder

➜ Upgraded outboard

➜ New Trailer


Chris Bamman is based in Moruya but travels often along the Eastern seaboard.

Past Cruising

He can’t talk about his camping or fishing spots. These are truly a secret!

Affording It

Chris started out with a normal job like anyone else.

After publishing a few videos, they started picking up. Today, he’s become significantly wealthier!

Net Worth

You’re about to be surprised…

As of 2023, Chris Bamman has a net worth of $950,000 Australian dollars.

This is based on the value of his NSW home, boat, motorcycle and fishing equipment.

Making Loot

Despite his success on YouTube, Chris isn’t the best at monetizing his channel. Perhaps it’s by-design as he doesn’t want to be commercialized.

Still, he makes around $7,000 AUD per month.

His revenue streams are:

➜ Ads on his YouTube videos

➜ Patreon subscribers (25+)

He doesn’t do brand sponsorship deals unlike his competition.


I haven’t really seen him hang out with other YouTubers, but a collab between him and Scotty’s Gone Walkabouts would be awesome!

Big Moments

There have never been any significantly bad moments in his journey. No click-bait either!

Future Plans

Chris is going to continue growing his channel as-is.

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from him?

➜ Start filming your own adventures

➜ Keep your content very clean

➜ You can get paid to have fun

➜ Open your mind to freedom

And make every weekend count!


Chris is just an ordinary guy living an extraordinary life!

I hope you begin building your own success online.

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Chris really is incredible!

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)