Everything You Always Wanted To Know
Joshua Smith
Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom
This is the definitive guide on MJ Sailing for 2023.
Over the last 18 months, I have spent 32 hours watching and researching everything I could about MJ Sailing as one of their biggest fans.
Like most people, I am a little obsessed!
If you wanted to know:
➔ How MJ Sailing afforded their boat
➔ How they make their money today
➔ What boat they have and its upgrades
➔ How you can start crossing oceans
Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.
Before we start, a quick introduction from me…
The Cruising Freedom Author
Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.
I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.
A business model which can allow me to:
➜ Own a catamaran debt-free
➜ Go for weeks without WIFI
➜ Create semi-passive income
➜ Inspire others to dream big
But more on that later… 🙂
MJ Sailing FAQs (April 2023)
Boat Name
Their new catamaran being built doesn’t have a name.
Crew Members
Matt Johnson (age 37)
Jessica Johnson (age 37)
Georgie (their cat, age unknown 🙂)
The Boat
Matt and Jessica are building their own custom 42-foot catamaran from existing kit plans in Maryland, MD, which will be their 4th sailboat in 10 years.
They have chosen the Max 42 SC with an owner’s cabin. This is a lightweight catamaran with a loaded displacement of just 7,700kgs, similar to the Seawind 1190.
You can find the boat plans from Max Cruise Marine.
They have three boats previously with 8 years experience as sea-based nomads.
1. A 1998 Hunter 240 which they learned to sail on (and hit numerous other boats in the process) which didn’t have a name.
2. A 1983 Trisalu 37 called Elements of Life which they sailed sailed into Carribean and Europe, which later was sold in the UK.
3. A 1989 Sabre 34 Targa called Serendipity. They sailed her into South America, the BVI’s, USVI’s and back to the United States to be sold in Indiantown, Florida.
It’s difficult to see what upgrades they’ll be doing with their boat build.
They have most of their hull done. Now it’s time to build the cabin, fit the electronics/plumbing and fit their new mast before their first shake-down cruise.
Matt and Jessica are building their boat within a small make-shift factory on Kent Island, Annapolis, MD.
Past Cruising
With their 2 previous boats, Matt and Jessica have sailed in:
➔ Florida
➔ Bahamas
➔ St. Barth’s
➔ St. Maarten
➔ Antigua
➔ Saba
➔ Azores
➔ Ireland
➔ Scotland
➔ Norway
➔ England
➔ Cayman Islands
➔ Honduras
➔ Guatemala
➔ Belize
➔ Mexico
➔ Bermuda
➔ Azores
➔ Madeira
➔ Canary Islands
➔ British Virgin Islands
➔ United States Virgin Islands
Affording It
Matt and Jessica had well paying jobs, saved hard, invested wisely and had equity from a house they built.
After they sold it, they worked online and used the sale proceeds of the house to buy their first boat.
Net Worth
YouTubers are often quite wealthy.
As of 2023, MJ Sailing’s net worth is $1,760,000 USD.
This is based on the value of their boat, online business and personal assets.
Making Loot
Their monthly income is approximately $12,000.
This estimation is based on:
➔ Youtube advertising revenue on their videos
➔ Purchases from the MJSailing Gear Shop
➔ Their 300+ Patreon subscribers
➔ PayPal donations on their website
➔ Amazon affiliate links under their videos
They also earn some free gear from Amazon Wishlists.
MJ Sailing has met with Sailing Doodles about 1 year ago.
I haven’t seen any other collaborations between MJ Sailing and other popular YouTubers.
Much of their latest content is, after all, dedicated to their catamaran build which will take one more year.
Big Moments
Some iconic moments in this YouTube channel’s history include:
➔ Exploring a nude beach in St. Barth’s which racked up 26 million views
➔ Adventuring in a boat graveyard with damaged boats
➔ Completing the Atlantic crossing
➔ Coming across the wreck of the SV Ellipsis
➔ Providing a glimpse into their financials of living on a catamaran
➔ Experiencing a fire at the marina
Future Plans
Matt and Jessica want to sail around the world once their build is done. It’s more than likely that they’ll sail the ‘coconut milk run’ from Florida to Australia.
And we’ll definitely welcome them with open arms!
Key Takeaways
What can we learn from this wonderful couple?
➔ There are many great opportunities in the world
➔ The American dream isn’t so safe nor romantic
➔ You can explore the world on a basic yacht
➔ It’s easy to save a fortune by building yourself
➔ Working online is now easier than ever before
Matt and Jessica weren’t lucky. They worked very hard to get to where they have but enjoyed wonderful moments along the way too.
They have found ways to thrive in challenging situations and a way to make bank using their own resources.
Better yet – they have moved away from the bikini/near-naked clickbaity approach to YouTube that other creators have, and towards actual boat building and sailing. True sailors, not lifestylers.
It’s fair to say that I’ll continue watching their YouTube channel for years to come. I can’t wait until their catamaran is built and ready for the open seas.
Meanwhile, I’m working on building my own digital assets to fund my own circumnavigation.
Create Your Own Cruising Freedom
Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…
I’ve been very inspired by MJ Sailing and their boat build..
Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.
They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.
I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.
With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:
➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills
➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans
➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)
➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures
Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻💻
(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)