Fishing With YakPak: Net Worth, Divorce and YouTube Earnings (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Fishing With Yakpak for 2023.

Many people like myself have watched countless episodes on YouTube!

Now if you’re keen to know:

➜ How much YakPak makes on YouTube

➜ What happened with his ex-wife

➜ If he was in the military

➜ Where he lives today

➜ His net worth from YouTube

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Fishing With YakPak FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name


Cast Members

Thomas “TJ” Kelly (age 34)

He went through a tough divorce some years ago and now has a new girlfriend called April.

Thomas has two children from his previous marriage.

The Boat

He has numerous fishing boats and speed boats.


He’s a fan of cheap stuff from Walmart, including depth sounders, reels and rods.


Like many YouTubers, Fishing With YakPak has chosen to keep his fishing locations a closely guarded secret.

Affording It

Thomas did 6 years in the military and upon his retirement, decided to get a normal job and do YouTube on the side.

Early signs showed that his channel was ready to scale like crazy! And so, he invested a ton into content and eventually quit his job.

Net Worth

Now today, he’s far wealthier than he was as a marine.

As of 2023, Fishing With YakPak has a net worth of $1,300,000 USD.

This is based upon the value of his home, truck, numerous boats, fishing equipment and online business.

So yes, Thomas is a millionaire but doesn’t admit it to his fans. He prefers to live a budget-conscious life anyways.

Making Loot

Not only is his wealth surprising, but so is his income!

Fishing With YakPak makes around $8,500/month with his YouTube channel.

Here’s how:

➜ He has ads on his videos

➜ He has a deal with Googan Squad

➜ Other deals such as SurfShark

➜ Affiliate links to fishing gear

He’s definitely not leaving any money on the table here!


I’ve seen him with:

➜ Ayo Fishing

➜ LOJO Fishing

➜ Fishing With Norm

And numerous others along the journey!

Big Moments

He’s done some great content, including:

➜ Having the cops called on him

➜ Dealt with some crocodiles

➜ Doing some epic challenges

And having so much fun out there!

Future Plans

What’s next on the agenda?

More of the same! Don’t stop what’s working.

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from YakPak’s journey?

➜ Create epic content

➜ Earn your freedom online

➜ Find the right peers

➜ Stay true to your values

And hard work gets rewarded!


I love his fishing content as much as the next dude!

Hopefully TJ will be uploading for years to come.

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Clearly, YakPak is inspirational!

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)