Everything You Always Wanted To Know
Joshua Smith
Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom
This is the definitive guide on Josje Maxime Leyton for 2023.
From 2013 to 2016, like many people on YouTube, I was able to watch Josje Maxime Leyton’s story via YouTube.
Unfortunately, she has been missing for a while.
If you wanted to know:
➜ Where did Josje Maxime Leyton go after S/V Delos
➜ How she was making her money while sailing
➜ Why she hasn’t uploaded anything for 2 years
➜ If she found a new boyfriend after Brady
➜ How you can start crossing oceans
Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.
Before we start, a quick introduction from me…
The Cruising Freedom Author
Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.
I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.
A business model which can allow me to:
➜ Own a catamaran debt-free
➜ Go for weeks without WIFI
➜ Create semi-passive income
➜ Inspire others to dream big
But more on that later… 🙂
Josje Maxime Leyton FAQs (April 2023)
I have done my best to make this article as accurate as possible. If you have additional information about Josje’s whereabouts, please email me.
Crew Member
Josje Maxime Leyton (age 33) from New Zealand.
After separating from Brady (who has recently started Cruiser’s Academy), she then went for a short holiday.
Within a couple of months, she was cruising with Riley and Elayna from Sailing La Vagabonde. She really came alive here where her energy bounced off Elayna’s so well!
She only spent one week with them on the catamaran.
After this time, she did some soul-searching while creating her Rama Tree brand focused on alternative arts. This has subsequently done very little.
Throughout 2018 and 2019, she spent time doing van life in Australia and continuing to live nomadically.
Her travel plans were interrupted in 2020 due to the Pandemic.
Josje Leyton has now been missing from social media now for 12+ months. No one has really heard anything since and many feel as though their best friend from Delos had suddenly vanished.
Her last video on YouTube was a little strange:
She also had her comments section turned off which is even more concerning.
Past Cruising
Josje essentially cruised around from New Zealand to Australia, up to SE Asia and Madagascar, where she eventually left Brady.
This was her last episode on Delos:
Some consider that Brady was somewhat lazy and wasn’t able to financially support her. They did some crewing on superyachts which neither seemed to enjoy all that much.
Affording It
Josje was a backpacker at heart. She earned some money through freelance writing and eventually became one of the main video editors on Delos.
In addition, she took on jobs in the cruising off-season to build her funds back up again.
Net Worth
Josje Maxime Leyton’s net worth is a mere $97,000. She never focused on money and made just enough to get to the next port.
Making Loot
Most recently, she made her money through:
➜ Selling her art and jewelry online (Rama Tree)
➜ Running a Patreon account (since closed)
➜ She also worked odd jobs in retail
She was definitely against capitalism and frequently sought spiritual refuges.
Apart from Delos and La Vagabonde, was she on any other episode? I can’t recall personally, but if you have seen her elsewhere, please let me know.
Big Moments
Her biggest moment was leaving Brady which was quite emotional.
Future Plans
It’s hard to know what she plans to do next. Is she pregnant? Did she find a new boyfriend? Is she at an Ashram in India?
I’ll be sure to update this article the moment I have more information about Josje. 🙂
Key Takeaways
What can we learn from this beautiful soul?
➜ Aim to always live in the moment (it’s pure joy!)
➜ Allow what comes to come and see what remains
➜ Let go of the emotional baggage holding you back
➜ The end of one journey is the beginning of another
And of course, we only live once. Make the most of today.
This beautiful soul captivated the hearts of many on Delos. She was one-of-a-kind and really made the crew complete.
Personally, their journey just wasn’t the same when she left. And while I did enjoy her on Riley and Elayna’s channel, I was secretly hoping she would get back with Brady.
She emphasized true freedom. Not just lifestyle freedom but spiritual and emotional freedom. She took us into a world few of us ever experienced, and we came out feeling better on the other side.
I do hope she returns to the world someday. In the meantime, I’ll be working on my own cruising plans.
Create Your Own Cruising Freedom
Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…
I’ve been very inspired by Josje Maxime Leyton and her years of travels…
Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.
She was living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.
I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.
With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:
➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills
➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans
➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)
➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures
Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻💻
(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)