Everything You Always Wanted To Know
Joshua Smith
Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom
This is the definitive guide on Tula’s Endless Summer for 2023.
Over the last 2 years, I have spent 57 hours watching and researching everything I could about Tula’s Endless Summer to learn more about their story.
(Yes, I really am *that* obsessed with Billy and Sierra 😃)
If you wanted to know:
➜ How Tula’s Endless Summer afforded their boat
➜ How they make their money today
➜ What boat do they have and its upgrades
➜ Where to buy Sierra’s yoga pants from
➜ How you can start crossing oceans
Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.
Before we start, a quick introduction from me…
The Cruising Freedom Author
Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.
I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.
A business model which can allow me to:
➜ Own a catamaran debt-free
➜ Go for weeks without WIFI
➜ Create semi-passive income
➜ Inspire others to dream big
But more on that later… 🙂
Tula’s Endless Summer FAQs (April 2023)
Boat Name
S/V Adrenaline 1 their catamaran
M/V Mountain Myst their trawler.
Crew Members
Billy Swezey (age 33)
Sierra Groth (age 32)
They have been together for several years but aren’t married. The only time they separated was due to travel restrictions in March 2020.
Jetty is their dog. She is an Australian Cattle Dog, and one of the most highly regarded working dogs here in Australia.
The Boat
The Tula’s Endless Summer channel has had 4 boats in their journey.
Mountain Myst = 1978 43′ DeFever Trawler (this is the current project you see on YouTube)
Adrenaline 1 = 1988 41′ Crowther Spindrift
(Originally it was a 38-foot boat that was extended at the aft sugar scoops)
Neverland = 1973 Marine Trader Trawler
Tula = 1977 26′ Victoria Frances
Like many of their boats, the current boat has required a ton of upgrades.
I won’t list them all out here, but definitely check out their playlist on YouTube.
According to Instagram, they are in the United States
According to YouTube, they are in the United States
This is one of their latest videos:
This means they are currently up to schedule.
Past Cruising
The Tula’s Endless Summer channel has been busy exploring in the United States, the Caribbean and South America.
I believe their next playground will be the South Pacific.
Affording It
Billy and Sierra both worked normal jobs and saved up enough to live their nomadic lifestyle.
Net Worth
YouTubers can make good money.
As of 2023, Tula’s Endless Summer has a net worth of $275,000 US dollars.
This is based on their boat valuations, personal possessions and YouTube income.
Making Loot
Curious to know how much their channel makes them?
Tula’s Endless Summer makes $7,400/month on YouTube.
They achieve this via:
➜ YouTube ads during their videos
➜ Amazon Associates links in the description
➜ Brand sponsorships and referral links
➜ Selling their own merchandise
They have done extremely well with their channel and certainly, they take their video content seriously.
Have they collaborated with any other sailing channels? I have only seen them on Odd Life Crafting and Taylor’s Travels. If you have seen them on any other channels, then let me know.
Big Moments
It’s been mostly smooth-sailing for this power couple, but some interesting experiences include:
➜ Experiencing a Coast Guard incident
➜ Finding an island full of pigs
➜ Having Neverland’s engines completely die (due to the transmission)
➜ Having someone steal their tender engine
➜ Almost losing their dog Jetty at sea
It hasn’t been easy but well worth it, especially compared to the restricted life of landlubbers.
Future Plans
Where to next? As a fan of their channel, I certainly look forward to seeing them completely overhaul their current project boat. Their previous catamaran was recently sold.
Key Takeaways
We can learn a ton from these two:
➜ Keep things super simple
➜ Do most of the work yourself
➜ Don’t be afraid to live in an old boat
➜ Dogs love boats as much as we do!
I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Tula’s Endless Summer on YouTube. Just like you, I’m glad they’ve figured out how to build a business on the platform within the sailing community.
Now it’s your turn…
Create Your Own Cruising Freedom
Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…
I’ve been very inspired by Tula’s Endless Summer and their travels…
Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.
They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.
I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.
With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:
➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills
➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans
➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)
➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures
Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻💻
(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)