Everything You Always Wanted To Know
Joshua Smith
Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom
This is the definitive guide on White Spot Pirates for 2023.
Over the last 6 years, I have spent 32 hours watching and researching everything I could about White Spot Pirates to learn more about her sailing story.
I really respect her bravery and determination!
If you wanted to know:
➜ How Nike from White Spot Pirates afforded her boat
➜ How much she makes on YouTube
➜ What boat she has and its upgrades
➜ Where did Nike Steiger actually come from
➜ How you can start crossing oceans
Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.
Before we start, a quick introduction from me…
The Cruising Freedom Author
Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.
I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.
A business model which can allow me to:
➜ Own a catamaran debt-free
➜ Go for weeks without WIFI
➜ Create semi-passive income
➜ Inspire others to dream big
But more on that later… 🙂
White Spot Pirates FAQs (April 2023)
Boat Name
S/V Karl
Crew Members
Nike Steiger (age 33) from Germany, although she’s fluent in English and Spanish too, with some French as well.
Nike is a rare exception in the YouTube sailing community given that she’s a solo female creator. Her dad is a sailor and that’s where she learned her first skills.
The Boat
S/V Karl is a Reinke Super 10 yacht that is 33-feet long.
Nike has done extensive (yet budget-conscious) upgrades to her yacht.
You’ll find those boat upgrades in Season and Season 2 of her videos from 6 to 8 years ago.
Nike is in Costa Rica and has ventured there previously.
Past Cruising
Nike has explored the Caribbean and South America extensively. She has also ventured through the Baltic andNorthern seas.
Affording It
Nike only paid around $8,500 USD for her yacht, making this quite an affordable purchase for most people. She had to undertake extensive works to get her seaworthy.
Previous to this life, she worked in a corporate role where she saved up as much as she could.
Net Worth
YouTube sailors often do well for themselves…
As of 2023, White Spot Pirates from YouTube has a net worth of $495,000 US dollars.
This is based on the value of her boat and online business.
Making Loot
Despite not trying to make an income from Youtube, she does make approximately $3,600/month which is generated through:
➜ YouTube advertising
➜ Amazon affiliate links
➜ Patreon and PayPal subscribers
➜ Royalties from her sailing documentary ‘Untie The Lines‘
She only spends around $1,000/month to live her nomadic lifestyle, so she is able to save a lot of her income.
Nike recently had an episode with SV Delos, while Sam Holmes would make a perfect collaboration!
She has had some family and friends on board, but prefers time by herself. She does not have a boyfriend but would like to get married one day. Interestingly, her boat’s name “Karl” actually means “husband” in her native tongue.
Big Moments
➜ Fracturing her heel bone
➜ Grounding her sailboat
➜ Making her own microplastic trawler
➜ Going skinny dipping on multiple occasions
She also created her own documentary which won multiple awards:
Future Plans
Where to next? Nike is planning a South Pacific adventure in 2022 and 2023. *Watch this space*
Key Takeaways
We can learn a ton from her journey:
➜ You CAN sail as a solo female
➜ Buy the cheapest boat that’s seaworthy
➜ Learn how to do your own boat work
➜ Go now. Go simple. Make it happen
And of course, don’t let the opinions of others stop you!
Nike has what’s called “Fernweh” which translated, means to break away from normality and chase our dreams.
That certainly comes through with every video I’ve watched…and I can’t wait to watch more.
Create Your Own Cruising Freedom
Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…
I’ve been very inspired by White Spot Pirates and her travels…
Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.
Nike is living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.
I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.
With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:
➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills
➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans
➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)
➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures
Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻💻
(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)