White Spot Pirates: Who Is Nike Steiger From YouTube? (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on White Spot Pirates for 2023.

Over the last 6 years, I have spent 32 hours watching and researching everything I could about White Spot Pirates to learn more about her sailing story.

I really respect her bravery and determination!

If you wanted to know:

➜ How Nike from White Spot Pirates afforded her boat

➜ How much she makes on YouTube

➜ What boat she has and its upgrades

➜ Where did Nike Steiger actually come from

➜ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

White Spot Pirates FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Karl

Crew Members

Nike Steiger (age 33) from Germany, although she’s fluent in English and Spanish too, with some French as well.

Nike is a rare exception in the YouTube sailing community given that she’s a solo female creator. Her dad is a sailor and that’s where she learned her first skills.

The Boat

S/V Karl is a Reinke Super 10 yacht that is 33-feet long.


Nike has done extensive (yet budget-conscious) upgrades to her yacht.

You’ll find those boat upgrades in Season and Season 2 of her videos from 6 to 8 years ago.


Nike is in Costa Rica and has ventured there previously.

Past Cruising

Nike has explored the Caribbean and South America extensively. She has also ventured through the Baltic andNorthern seas.

Affording It

Nike only paid around $8,500 USD for her yacht, making this quite an affordable purchase for most people. She had to undertake extensive works to get her seaworthy.

Previous to this life, she worked in a corporate role where she saved up as much as she could.

Net Worth

YouTube sailors often do well for themselves…

As of 2023, White Spot Pirates from YouTube has a net worth of $495,000 US dollars.

This is based on the value of her boat and online business.

Making Loot

Despite not trying to make an income from Youtube, she does make approximately $3,600/month which is generated through:

➜ YouTube advertising

➜ Amazon affiliate links

➜ Patreon and PayPal subscribers

➜ Royalties from her sailing documentary ‘Untie The Lines

She only spends around $1,000/month to live her nomadic lifestyle, so she is able to save a lot of her income.


Nike recently had an episode with SV Delos, while Sam Holmes would make a perfect collaboration!

She has had some family and friends on board, but prefers time by herself. She does not have a boyfriend but would like to get married one day. Interestingly, her boat’s name “Karl” actually means “husband” in her native tongue.

Big Moments

➜ Fracturing her heel bone

➜ Grounding her sailboat

➜ Making her own microplastic trawler

➜ Going skinny dipping on multiple occasions

She also created her own documentary which won multiple awards:

Future Plans

Where to next? Nike is planning a South Pacific adventure in 2022 and 2023. *Watch this space*

Key Takeaways

We can learn a ton from her journey:

➜ You CAN sail as a solo female

➜ Buy the cheapest boat that’s seaworthy

➜ Learn how to do your own boat work

➜ Go now. Go simple. Make it happen

And of course, don’t let the opinions of others stop you!


Nike has what’s called “Fernweh” which translated, means to break away from normality and chase our dreams.

That certainly comes through with every video I’ve watched…and I can’t wait to watch more.

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

I’ve been very inspired by White Spot Pirates and her travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

Nike is living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

Wildlings Sailing: Divorce, Boat and YouTube Earnings (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Wildlings Sailing for 2023.

Over the last 2 years, I have spent 14 hours watching and researching everything I could about Wildlings Sailing to learn more about their story.

(Yes, I really am *that* obsessed with the Wildlings Sailing boat restoration 😃)

If you wanted to know:

➜ How Mark and Nadiyana afforded their boat

➜ How they make their money today

➜ What boat do they have and its upgrades

➜ Where they plan to sail

➜ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Wildlings Sailing FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Wildlings

Crew Members

Mark Farnworth (age 30) from the United Kingdom

Nadiyana (28) from Yunnan, China. They met while Mark was working as an English teacher and after 4 years, they separated which came as a shock to the YouTube community.

Crew Members

After 4 years, the couple from Wilding Sailing separated which came as a shock to the YouTube community.

Their dog Yoshi (a Jack Russell) also joins them in the renovation projects and sailing adventures.

The Boat

Wildlings Sailing currently owns a 1975 Sailcraft Cherokee 35 sailing catamaran. This has been lovingly restored with a lot of hard work and effort.

Their previous boats ‘Minke’ and ‘Good Tidings’ were sold to fund the current project.


There has been a ton of upgrades done to this boat. I don’t want to list them all out here, but you’ll find a ton of videos on their YouTube channel. 🙂


They are sailing in Italy as per their latest episode:

Past Cruising

Before undertaking the current renovation, they did a ton of sailing through:

➜ The Mediterranean

➜ The French Canals

We look forward to seeing them hit the Caribbean and the South Pacific in future years.

Affording It

Mark worked for several years in China at an English school where he saved up a lot of money. It’s also there where he met Nadiyana and together, they sailed on a 1967 Covic Sea Rover before purchasing the current boat.

Net Worth

They are only worth $220,000 but they make do with what they have.

Making Loot

The Wildlings Sailing YouTube channel makes approximately $3,200/month. They do this through:

➜ YouTube ads playing on their videos

➜ Affiliate links to Kamikoto knives

➜ PayPal donations

➜ Selling their own T-shirts via Teespring

They haven’t really monetized their channel as much as others.


Wildlings Sailing has collaborated with Sailing Melody.

As far as I can tell, there aren’t any other Chinese sailors on YouTube, making the Wildings channel quite unique.

Big Moments

Moments in their journey include:

➜ Getting caught in a king tide and running aground in their yacht

➜ Having a couple of mishaps in the French canals

➜ Being caught amongst border closures

➜ Bodging their catamaran several times

➜ Getting fined by police due to using the UK flag (whoops!)

All in all, a wonderful adventure.

Future Plans

Where to next? Will they have kids?

It’s more than likely that once this current project is done, they’ll be sailing for several years and doing multiple ocean crossings. I certainly can’t wait to see what unfolds!

Key Takeaways

We can learn a ton from this ambitious couple:

➜ You CAN do most of the work yourself

➜ Be ambitious yet persistent at the same time

➜ Don’t be afraid to take on a new boat project

➜ For men: Find a woman just like Nadiyana 🙂

Above all else, make the most of every moment.


Mark and Nadiyana seriously commit to some of the most insane projects. Fortunately, that pays off!

It’s that same commitment you’ll need to see the world.

I can’t help thinking of how these life lessons will play out for years to come. One thing is for sure..I’ll definitely be watching with excitement. ✌️

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Clearly, I’ve been very inspired by Wildlings Sailing and their travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

Sailing Zingaro: James’ Net Worth, Breakup and Earnings (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Sailing Zingaro for 2023.

Over the last 3 years, I have spent 25+ hours watching and researching everything I could about Sailing Zingaro to learn more about this unique channel.

(Yes, I really am *that* obsessed with James and his sailing adventures 😃)

If you wanted to know:

➜ How Sailing Zingaro afforded their boat

➜ How they make their money today

➜ What boat do they have and its upgrades

➜ Little-known secrets about Kim Jensen

➜ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Sailing Zingaro FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Zingaro

Crew Members

James Evenson (age 37) and is a huge Elon Musk and Joe Rogan fan. He encapsulates the same freedom we are all seeking.

Previously, Kim Jensen (age 28) was a crew member but they separated during the Pandemic.

Ana B Munzon and Brenda are two recent additions to the crew in the Caribbean (namely Aruba) and have been on for some time. Is James sleeping with them both? That’s the million-dollar question… 😉

Brenda did say ‘and this is where the magic happens’ when entering James’ bedroom in this boat tour:

There was another Anna on board recently but she left.

The Boat

S/V Zingaro is an Oyster 485 that they paid $200,000 for.

James bought this while married to Kim.

Previously they were sailing on a catamaran (a Spindrift 37 designed by Crowther), but after the accident where the starboard hull broke off, this was sold for a mere $10,000 when they finally got into Lahaina, Maui.


Sailing Zingaro has upgraded the yacht with:

➜ Lithium batteries and solar panels

➜ Spectra Watermaker

➜ OC Tender

He hasn’t need to upgrade too much but does plan to upgrade his toilets to electric.


Zingaro is currently doing an Atlantic crossing:

They are currently up to date on video production. Both James and the girls are Spanish-speaking and James’ channel appeals to both language groups.

Past Cruising

James is a true sailor and has explored:

➜ The United States and Hawaii

➜ The Caribbean

➜ South America

Affording It

Does James come from rich parents? Not really. He simply worked hard over a decade and saved up enough money to purchase his first catamaran for cash.

When that unfortunately crashed, he was earning enough to purchase the Oyster for cash.

Net Worth

YouTubers can do well for themselves.

As of 2023, James from Sailing Zingaro has a net worth of $350,000. He paid $200,000 for his boat and his business valuation is approximately $150,000.

He does want to become a millionaire one day, much like many of us. But even if he doesn’t, he gets to enjoy million-dollar views.

Making Loot

How much money does James from Sailing Zingaro make on YouTube? Around $5,700/month and it’s made through:

➜ Running YouTube ads on every single video

➜ Placing Amazon Associates links under the videos

➜ Affiliate links to expensive camera equipment

➜ Monthly revenue from his loyal Patreon subscribers

➜ PayPal donations (although these a kinda rare)

➜ Selling official Zingaro merchandise

His channel has done well to attract a loyal audience, although he doesn’t share his strategies for working remotely. His website is also down at this time of publication.


Sailing Zingaro has collaborated with:

➜ S/V Too Short

Sailing Yacht Talisman

Sailing Parlay Revival

David Shih (a good friend of mine too!)

He has a friendship with Gone With The Wynns and I look forward to seeing him collaborate with Sailing Doodles given how much synergy they have.

He’s had Duca and Roberta from Odd Life Crafting on board for a while. They are one of the best restoration couples on YouTube.

He’s also done a couple of podcasts and episodes with Plukky from Sailing Into Freedom. To me, that was the perfect collaboration!

Big Moments

James hasn’t had an easy sailing journey. Incidents include:

➜ Falling asleep and running aground with his previous catamaran (making him a true sailor!)

➜ Both rudders fell off his previous boat

➜ Sailing Zingaro getting shipwrecked while on the catamaran. You can learn a lot about what happened here:

Essentially, his catamaran ripped in half while sailing in nasty conditions. 😔

➜ Sadly separating from Kim in late 2020 but she’s doing well today

One thing’s for sure – James is constantly pushing forward.

Future Plans

Where to next for James and his beautiful crew?

He’s going to keep sailing for years to come, and we all can’t wait to see the journey unfold!

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from James’ story on Zingaro?

A lot, actually:

➜ Keep things as simple as possible

➜ Find some beautiful women to share the journey with

➜ You can absolutely work remotely

➜ Don’t fall asleep when sailing 🙃

Above all else…have fun!


James is a unique content creator on YouTube who has done well with his channel. He combines boat maintenance with a beautiful crew and stunning anchorages!

He certainly finds the best crew and the best guests (Plukky, anyone?) to share the journey with the rest of us.

I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Clearly, I’ve been very inspired by Sailing Zingaro and James’ travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

James is living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

Catamaran Impi: Net Worth, Boat and YouTube Earnings (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Catamaran Impi for 2023.

Over the last 6 years, I have spent more than 37 hours watching and researching everything I could about Catamaran Impi to learn more about their story.

(Yes, I really am *that* obsessed with Brent and Ana on YouTube 😃)

If you wanted to know:

➜ How Catamaran Impi afforded their boat

➜ How they make their money today

➜ What boat do they have and its upgrades

➜ How old is Ana Hills (Brent’s beautiful wife)

➜ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Catamaran Impi FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Impi

Crew Members

Brent Grimbeek (age 55)

Ana Hill (age 52)

Yes, they are married. Brent’s son is Kent Grimbeek and works for Just Catamarans in Florida. If you’re ever in the market for a catamaran, I highly recommend reaching out to him. He does attend most of the boat shows too.

Both Brent and Ana are from South Africa but left Cape Town in November 2011 for their global voyage.

The Boat

Brent and Ana from Catamaran Impi own a Lagoon 440. While it’s built as a charter vessel, they have modified it to suit ocean crossings. This process took around 18 months.


Brent and Ana did a ton of upgrades, including:

➜ Replacing their 8 AGM batteries with Lithium

➜ Conducting numerous teak deck repairs

➜ Reassembling the anchor windlass➜


Catamaran Impi are currently in New Zealand. This isn’t their first time in the country. They loved it so much the last time!

Past Cruising

Where have Brent and Ana explored in 10+ years? Not as much as one might expect, but they’ve been taking it quite slowly.

They have been to:

➜ The South Pacific

➜ Australia and New Zealand

➜ The British Virgin Islands

➜ Indonesia and soon SE Asia

Affording It

Brent and Ana aren’t rich…but they aren’t poor either.

They worked hard for many years and diligently saved as much as they could. Once they sold their house, they had enough money to purchase Impi from Lagoon and set sail around the world. Their catamaran at the time cost them $670,000 and this was more than 10 years ago.

Net Worth

They have as much wealth as you might imagine.

As of 2023, I estimate that Catamaran Impi has a net worth of $4,720,000.

This is based on the value of their boat and stock portfolio.

Making Loot

How does Impi continue making money while sailing?

➜ They run ads on their YouTube channel

➜ They have Amazon Associates links on their website

I estimate they only make $2,700/month on their YouTube channel. It’s way under-monetized and many other sailing channels are doing much better.


Catamaran Impi hasn’t collaborated with anyone on their channel directly but has been featured in other channels.

They gave a shoutout to Sailing La Vagabonde in this video:

They were also featured at this guest speaking event alongside Sailing Zatara and Gone With The Wynns:

Just Catamarans is the same company that Brent’s son works for.

Big Moments

It hasn’t quite been smooth sailing for Catamaran Impi. Some challenges include:

➜ Almost running out of diesel and asking for help from a passing container ship (was risky…but it worked!)

➜ Finding an abandoned dog on Casy Island in New Caledonia

➜ Sailing in 40-knot winds en route to Tasmania

➜ Anchoring in the heart of Brisbane City

Future Plans

Where to next? Now that international borders are mostly open, Catamaran Impi is aiming to explore Asia and slowly return back to South America.

Key Takeaways

We can learn a ton from Brent and Ana, including:

➜ You can definitely sail short-handed

➜ Catamarans offer so much more room

➜ Keep things as simple as possible

➜ Your circumnavigation could take much longer than expected (and that’s totally OK!)

Overall, aim do this for the journey AND the destination.


Many say that Lagoon Catamarans simply CANNOT sail around the world. Clearly, that’s been proven wrong in this instance. With some preparation work, almost every charter-ready catamaran is capable of crossing oceans and seeing the world.

Your dream might therefore be closer than you think…

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Clearly I’ve been very inspired by Catamaran Impi and their travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

Sailing Merewether: Boat, Crew and YouTube Earnings (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Sailing Merewether for 2023.

Over the last 2 years, I have spent 59 hours watching and researching everything I could about Sailing Merewether to learn more about their story.

(Yes, I really am *that* obsessed with Sailing Merewether 😃)

If you wanted to know:

➜ How Kieran and Isabelle afforded their yacht

➜ How they make their income remotely

➜ What boat do they have and its upgrades

➜ If they do OnlyFans and similar platforms

➜ How you can start crossing oceans like them

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Sailing Merewether FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Merewether

Crew Members

Kieran Wyse (age 31) from Australia

Isabelle Nee (age 29) from Sweden

The Boat

Sailing Mereweather owns a Beneteau Cyclades 43.4 which they bought in Croatia. Yes, this is the same boat type that Riley from Sailing La Vagabonde owned before purchasing the Outremer catamaran.


They haven’t really done too many upgrades to their yacht, apart from solar panels, a wind generator and a dinghy.


According to Instagram and YouTube, they are in Australia:

This shows that they’re up to date on video production.

Past Cruising

Sailing Merewether has done a ton of cruising.

They have been to:

➜ The South Pacific

➜ The Caribbean

➜ The Mediterranean

They have also done 2 Atlantic crossings.

We look forward to seeing them soon in Australia!

Affording It

Do Kieran and Isabelle come from rich parents?

Not really. They worked hard and saved for several years for their yacht which they paid $107,000 for.

Today their net worth is approximately $360,000 USD when you consider their business valuation and boat value.

Making Loot

Sailing Merewether makes $5,700/month on YouTube.

Their income is generated through:

➜ YouTube advertising revenue

➜ Patreon subscribers

➜ PayPal donations

➜ Sponsorships with sailing gear

They also work remotely on some projects.


Sailing Merewether hasn’t really collaborated with other YouTubers, but hopefully, we’ll see them on Sailing La Vagabonde really soon. There is so much synergy here!

Big Moments

There have been some interesting moments in their journey:

➜ Having a pirate encounter (wasn’t serious)

➜ Being stuck outside Australia due to border closures

➜ Getting their anchor chain stuck

➜ Going through The Panama Canal

Fortunately, nothing too serious and it’s been mostly peaceful passage-making.

Future Plans

Now being in Fiji, I believe their next port is either New Zealand or Australia. Now that borders are relatively open, we’ll be welcoming them with open arms!

Key Takeaways

There is a ton of takeaways from this beautiful couple:

➜ Keep things simple (they only have two bedrooms)

➜ Your budget doesn’t need to be all that huge

➜ Remote atolls are surprisingly easy to get to

➜ Be patient. Not every day is going to be perfect

And above all else, have fun!


While they do use some click-baitey thumbnails, these YouTubers are still experienced, careful and considerate sailors.

They have handled some of the pressures of being a cruising couple with ease, and have pushed forward each and every day.

I look forward to watching their cruising adventures long into the future.

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Clearly I’ve been very inspired by Sailing Merewether and their travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

Lady K Sailing: Everything You Wanted To Know

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Lady K Sailing for 2023.

Over the last 2 years, I have spent 21 hours watching and researching everything I could about Lady K Sailing to learn more about their story.

(Yes, I really am *that* obsessed with Tim Labute and his wife 😃)

If you wanted to know:

➜ How Lady K Sailing afforded their boat

➜ How they make their money today

➜ What boat do they have and its upgrades

➜ Who the Lady K Sailing wife is

➜ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Lady K Sailing FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Lady K

Crew Members

Tim Labute (age 36)

Candice Labute (age 34)

The Boat

1980 Hughes 35. Previously this was called a Northstar 1500. It’s a Sparkman and Stephens design and is designed for racing and cruising alike. Tim is a racer at heart which is why he lives in a normal house and cruises part-time.

They have owned this boat now for 6 years.


Their yacht was in a sad state of affairs when they first bought their yacht. In that time, they have upgraded Lady K with:

➜ Upgraded Volvo MD2030 diesel engine (saildrive)

➜ ST4,000+ autopilot and Garmin GPS


According to Instagram, they are in Light House Cove, Florida. This is a popular place for part-time cruisers.

They have been covering a ton of content about affordable sailing yachts:

Past Cruising

Lady K Sailing has mostly sailed in the United States and South America.

Unlike other channels, they focus on knowledge and feature unique boats, as well as though that have succumbed to the weather, bureaucracy or other channels in their trip around the world.

Affording It

Tim and his wife Candice worked for years to save up enough to purchase their current boat. Tim was an office manager while Candice was in the food and entertainment industries.

Making Loot

It’s hard to know exactly how much Tim makes from YouTube and I highly doubt he does this for the money. He’s simply a helpful sailor who’s always keen to share his knowledge.

If I had to guess, I’d say around $3,500 per month. His income is generated through:

➜ Patreon subscribers

➜ Donations

➜ YouTube advertising revenue

In addition, Tim still does some freelance work.


As far as I’ve seen, they haven’t really been a channel that has collaborated with others. They’re less about the lifestyle and more about the commentary. That’s not a bad thing as I’ve personally learned a ton these last few years.

Big Moments

Sailing hasn’t been easy for this couple. Their worst experience was almost sinking and calling the Coast Guard helicopter:

Aside from that, it’s been seeing other cruisers getting into strife.

Future Plans

Where to next? I’m looking forward to Tim and Candice heading out for an extended period now that international borders are mostly open.

Key Takeaways

Tim and his wife use the following mantra:

➜ Go small

➜ Go simple

➜ Go now

…and I absolutely agree!


It’s hard to argue against the knowledge that Tim brings to his channel. Unlike many of the ‘chicks for clicks’ channels I’ve covered, he’s clearly not here for the fame and attention.

I always come away learning more about mechanical and electrical components that I’ll use for years to come. Aside from SV Delos, there are very few channels sharing this same knowledge.

So from one cruising enthusiast to another, he’s one I definitely salute!

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Clearly I’ve been very inspired by Lady K Sailing and their travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

Sailing Kittiwake: Where Did They Go? Are They Missing?

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Sailing Kittiwake for 2023.

Over the last 5 years, I have spent 17 hours watching and researching everything I could about Elana and Ryan to learn more about their story.

(Yes, I really was *that* obsessed with them 😃)

If you wanted to know:

➜ How Sailing Kittiwake afforded their boat

➜ How they made their money on YouTube

➜ What boats they had and its upgrades

➜ Are they missing? What happened to them?

➜ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Sailing Kittiwake FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Kittiwake

Crew Members

Elana Manighetti (age 29) from the United Kingdom, but she grew up in Italy.

Ryan Osborne (also 29) from the United Kingdom

The Boat

They owned two boats in their 5 years on YouTube.

The first was a 1977 Heavenly Twins 26ft catamaran

The second one was a 1976 Tayana 37


Of course, they had to do a ton of upgrades to each boat.

You’ll find an extensive refit history on their YouTube channel.


Neither Ryan or Elena have uploaded for more than 1 year. The Cruising Freedom team isn’t sure where they are. If you have any news, please write in and I can update this article.

Past Cruising

Sailing Kittiwake ventured to many places:

➜ The Mediterranean

➜ The Caribbean

➜ An Atlantic Crossing

Affording It

They didn’t have any kids or mortgages to look after. This allowed them to save as much as they could and were location-independent travelers for some time before purchasing their catamaran.

Surprisingly, that only cost $10,000 but required a lot of work to get seaworthy.

Net Worth

Sailing Kittiwake are definitely fans of the F.I.R.E. Movement and had a reasonably large net worth of $270,000 while enjoying high incomes and minimal expenses.

Making Loot

How did they make their money? Well, Ryan was a freelance designer while Elana was a content marketer (like me!) and worked with numerous startups.

Both earned a consistent income while sailing.

They also earned from:

➜ Their Patreon subscribers

➜ YouTube advertising revenue

Their sailing kitty was fueled through consulting, and their monthly expenses were only $500 ($250 each) which is surprisingly slow.


Sailing Kittiwake didn’t really collaborate with any other YouTubers. They preferred to keep to themselves despite sharing anchorages with other popular cruising YouTubers.

Big Moments

What epic experiences did Elana and Ryan share?

➜ Sailing in 57-knot storms

➜ Completing one Atlantic crossing

➜ Elena sailed by herself on occasions

➜ Missing a few hurricanes

Future Plans

It’s hard to know is the future for Elana and Ryan. They haven’t posted for over a year. Did they separate?

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from this power couple?

➜ You can definitely live quite cheaply and cruise

➜ Learn the hard skills of boat ownership today

➜ Work remotely if at all possible, starting now


Given that they haven’t posted any updates for a while, I’ll be the first to admit that I really miss their banter and educational videos. They were much more appealing than the ‘mainstream’ YouTubers and it was nice to support a smaller channel.

I do look forward to seeing them return in the near future.

*Watch this space*

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Clearly, I’ve been very inspired by Kittiwake and their travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

Sailing Into Freedom: Drowning, Death and Net Worth (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Sailing Into Freedom for 2023.

Over the last 4.5 years, I have spent 70+ hours watching and researching everything I could about Plukky’s channel because he’s a total legend!

And you could say I was a little obsessed with Margarida too

It’s now taken me 7 hours to write up this guide.

So you’re about to discover:

➔ How Plukky afforded his first and second boats

➔ How much money he makes on Youtube

➔ More information about the drowning and death incident

➔ What boat he has now and its upgrades

➔ Where is the old boat that sank in the Kimberleys?

➔ What happened to Margarida?

➔ Where does Plukky find these cute backpackers?

➔ How you can get started on your journey

Anyway, you’ve definitely come to the right website.

But before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Sailing Into Freedom FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Freedom

Crew Members

Peter Lukursky (age 48), most commonly known by his nickname Plukky, from Jamboree Heights, QLD.

Plukky has had numerous female crew members over the years, which are typically young and very (emphasizing very!) attractive backpackers.

Lisa from Switzerland was the latest girl on as crew, which joined with Gigi and Clara.

Margarida Left

So what happened to his beautiful wife?

Margarida Lukursky from Algarve, Portugal, was married to Peter of Sailing Into Freedom. However, she divorced Plukky in May of 2021 because she was seasick often and couldn’t handle the boating life.

He didn’t want to give up the sailing lifestyle, so chose a life at sea over her. He’s therefore been single for some time.

Former Crew

Plukky has had numerous female crew members over the years, which are typically young and very attractive backpackers.

Crew whose last times I could find are:

Fedra Paccioso and Stefania Conte

Crew who only used their first name are:

Sal, Lisa, Gigi, Clara, Vickie, Alyssa, Nerma and Veronique

One male crew member – Tim – had joined too.

I can’t recall which one had the drowning.

Crew Deaths

Did you know that one previous female crew member on the Sailing Into Freedom YouTube channel was actually murdered by t—-rists?

It’s true, and absolutely heart-breaking.

The two victims were Maren Ueland from Denmark and Louisa Jespersen from Norway who were beheaded.

Back in 2017, the YouTube community was given the gift of having Louisa on board, otherwise known as Lulu. She departed soon afterand continued her backpacking journey and left Australia, but later succumb to foul-play in Morocco.

Maren wasn’t a crew member but later became friends with Louisa, and the pair were camping at the time of their death.

Rest In Peace: Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Maren Ueland

The Boat

Sailing Into Freedom have a 42′ Lehete Bourgois yacht which is a rare boat given that only 6 were produced in the world before the boat builder went backrupt. This cost him $47,000 after taxes.

Plukky’s first boat was a 42-foot Crowther 216A catamaran named S/V Long Reef. He bought this in 2010, did an extensive refit and sailed her but it sank in September, 2018 after crashing into a reef.


Have you ever wondered what happened to S/V Long Reef that crashed in Western Australia?

It hit the reef due to Plukky making a simple oversight and breaking his own sailing rules, right on sunset.

Interestingly though, they crashed in what was 33 meters of water just moments prior.

It happened on Montgomery Reef which is notorious for being unchartered, having already claimed a few other yachts.

The crash at low-tide in crocodile-infested waters made things even more difficult, and Plukky and Margarida were eventually rescued a couple of days later by an Australian tourist boat.

They never returned to the boat for salvage.

This would have cost them $5,000 just to reach the boat which they didn’t have available, plus many more for the retrieval effort.

After all, they were 300 nautical miles from Darwin.

Peter did not have insurance for the boat as it’s difficult to get insurance for the Pilbara region.

It took 12 months before Peter was able to come up with the funds to purchase the next boat, with the help from a friend.

If you have any more information about this boat and if it’s still out there, then please let me know.


Plukky has upgraded his latest yacht with:

➔ Brand new mast and rigging

➔ New electronics and fridge

Very little of their yacht refit was covered on YouTube, instead choosing to focus on the lifestyle.


According to YouTube and Instagram, they are in the San Blas Islands in Panama.

Plukky typically keeps his channel up to date, but was months behind when the previous boat sank.

Past Cruising

Plukky has sailed around most of Australia, plus:

➔ Grand Cayman

➔ Guatemala

➔ Antigua

➔ Panama

➔ Belize

➔ Mexico

Plukky will likely continue exploring South America with Margarida with her family on board at times.

Affording It

Peter worked (very surprisingly) as a lawyer for many years while raising kids. In this interview, he considers himself to be the world’s worst lawyer.

In his spare time, he put thousands of hours of labour into restoring his first catamaran, which then sunk 6 years later in Western Australia.

His second boat was bought through sheer savings.

Net Worth

Most YouTubers are wealthy, but not this one…

As of 2023, Sailing Into Freedom’s net worth is estimated at $298,000 AUD, or approximately $227,000 USD.

This is based upon the value of his boat + simple online business.

Making Loot

Plukky makes roughly $3,870/month USD by:

➔ Selling Sailing Into Freedom crew T-shirts

➔ Making money from ads on his videos

➔ 300+ paying Patreon subscribers

➔ Product affiliate links in his YouTube descriptions

➔ PayPal donations

He doesn’t offer paid uncut/uncensored/nudity footage of his crew members on a subscription basis, although this has been requested by his mostly-male audience.


Sailing Into Freedom had (for a long time) not met any active YouTube cruisers. However, he recently spent some time with Captain Rick Moore.

Also, Sailing Miss Lone Star has made comments on some of Plukky’s videos, so a meetup and uncut footage on her Vimeo in the future is likely.

He also ran into Brian and Karin from SV Delos recently and has been hanging out with them for some time.

The best video was that with Pirate Rob and his actual pirate attack:

Big Moments

Apart from the sinking catamaran, some of the best and worse moments in Plukky’s history include:

➔ Having lightning strike his new yacht at night (caught on camera!)

➔ Jumping into shark-infested waters to fix his boat

➔ Catching COVID twice and assessing his options

➔ Hauling his boat out after the lightning strike

Future Plans

In the future, Plukky aims to sail around South America and Margarida seems to be a keeper.

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from Sailing Into Freedom?

➔ You don’t need the million-dollar boat

➔ Keep things as simple as possible

➔ You can thrive on a lean budget

➔ YouTube can pay well with bikinis

➔ Always (always) be mindful of reefs

➔ Women love simple men with boats 😉


Plukky is the epidome of true freedom on the open ocean, without the glitz, glam and unnecessary drama of other YouTube influencers.

He reminds us that we don’t need fancy equipment or expensive boats to realize the cruising dream.

And we certainly can’t wait to see what is to come!

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

I’ve been very inspired by Plukky and his epic travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

Peter is living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

The Ultimate Guide to Sailing Into Freedom

Everything You Wanted To Know About Plukky

This is the definitive guide on Sailing Into Freedom for 2023.

Over the last 4.5 years, I have spent 51 hours watching and researching everything I could about Plukky’s channel because he’s a total legend!

(And you could say I was a little obsessed with Margarida too 😃)

It’s now taken me 7 hours to write up this guide.

So if you wanted to know:

➔ How Plukky afforded his first and second boats

➔ How much money he makes on Youtube

➔ More information about the drowning and death incident

➔ What boat he has now and its upgrades

➔ Where is the old boat that sank in the Kimberleys?

➔ What happened to Margarida?

➔ Where does Plukky find these cute backpackers?

➔ How you can get started on your journey

Then you’ve definitely come to the right website.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia. 🇦🇺

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➔ Own a catamaran debt-free

➔ Go for weeks without WIFI

➔ Create semi-passive income

➔ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later…. 🙂

Sailing Into Freedom FAQs (January 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Freedom

Crew Members

Peter Lukursky (age 48), most commonly known by his nickname Plukky, from Jamboree Heights, QLD.

Margarida Lukursky (age 36) from Algarve, Portugal, although she left Plukky in May of 2021 because she was seasick often and couldn’t handle the boating life.

Plukky has had numerous female crew members over the years, which are typically young and very (emphasizing very!) attractive backpackers.

Lisa from Switzerland was the latest girl on as crew, which joined with Gigi and Clara.

Former Crew

Plukky has had numerous female crew members over the years, which are typically young and very attractive backpackers.

Crew whose last times I could find are:

Fedra Paccioso and Stefania Conte

Crew who only used their first name are:

Sal, Lisa, Gigi, Clara, Vickie, Alyssa, Nerma and Veronique

One male crew member – Tim – had joined too.

Crew Deaths

Did you know that one previous female crew member on the Sailing Into Freedom YouTube channel was actually murdered by terrorists?

It’s true, and absolutely heart-breaking.

The two victims were Maren Ueland from Denmark and Louisa Jespersen from Norway who were beheaded.

Back in 2017, the YouTube community were given the gift of having Louisa on board, otherwise known as Lulu. She departed soon afterand continued her backpacking journey and left Australia, but later succumb to foul-play in Morocco.

Maren wasn’t a crew member but later became friends with Louisa, and the pair were camping at the time of their death.

Rest In Peace: Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Maren Ueland

The Boat

Sailing Into Freedom have a 42′ Lehete Bourgois yacht which is a rare boat given that only 6 were produced in the world before the boat builder went backrupt. This cost him $47,000 after taxes.

Plukky’s first boat was a 42-foot Crowther 216A catamaran named S/V Long Reef. He bought this in 2010, did an extensive refit and sailed her but it sank in September, 2018 after crashing into a reef.

Boat Crash

Have you ever wondered what happened to S/V Long Reef that crashed in Western Australia?

It crashed due to Plukky making a simple oversight and breaking his own sailing rules, right on sunset.

Interestingly though, they crashed in what was 33 metres of water just moments prior.

It happened on Montgomery Reef which is notorious for being unchartered, having already claimed a few other yachts.

The crash at low-tide in crocodile-infested waters made things even more difficult, and Plukky and Margarida were eventually rescued a couple of days later by an Australian tourist boat.

They never returned to the boat for salvage.

This would have cost them $5,000 just to reach the boat which they didn’t have available, plus many more for the retrieval effort.

After all, they were 300 nautical miles from Darwin.

Peter did not have insurance for the boat as it’s difficult to get insurance for the Pilbara region.

It took 12 months before Peter was able to come up with the funds to purchase the next boat, with the help from a friend.


Plukky has upgraded his latest yacht with:

➔ Brand new mast and rigging

➔ New electronics and fridge

Very little of their yacht refit was covered on YouTube, instead choosing to focus on the lifestyle.


According to YouTube and Instagram, they are in the San Blas Islands in Panama.

Plukky typically keeps his channel up to date, but was months behind when the previous boat sank.

Past Cruising

Plukky has sailed around most of Australia, plus:

➔ Grand Cayman

➔ Guatemala

➔ Antigua

➔ Panama

➔ Belize

➔ Mexico

Plukky will likely continue exploring South America with Margarida with her family on board at times.

Affording It

Peter worked (very surprisingly) as a lawyer for many years while raising kids. In this interview, he considers himself to be the world’s worst lawyer.

In his spare time, he put thousands of hours of labour into restoring his first catamaran, which then sunk 6 years later in Western Australia.

His second boat was bought through sheer savings.

Making Loot

Most YouTubers are wealthy, but not this one…

As of 2023, Sailing Into Freedom’s net worth is estimated at $298,000 AUD, or approximately $227,000 USD.

Plukky makes roughly $3,870/month USD by:

➔ Selling Sailing Into Freedom crew T-shirts

➔ Making money from ads on his videos

➔ 300+ paying Patreon subscribers

➔ Product affiliate links in his YouTube descriptions

➔ PayPal donations

He doesn’t offer paid uncut/uncensored/nudity footage of his crew members on a subscription basis, although this has been requested by his mostly-male audience.


Sailing Into Freedom had (for a long time) not met any active YouTube cruisers. However, he recently spent some time with Captain Rick Moore.

Also, Sailing Miss Lone Star has made comments on some of Plukky’s videos, so a meetup and uncut footage on her Vimeo in the future is likely.

He also ran into Brian and Karin from SV Delos recently, and has been hanging out with them for some time.

The best video was that with Pirate Rob and his actual pirate attack:

Big Moments

Apart from the sinking catamaran, some of the best and worse moments in Plukky’s history include:

➔ Having lightning strike his new yacht at night (caught on camera!)

➔ Jumping into shark-infested waters to fix his boat

➔ Catching COVID twice and assessing his options

➔ Hauling his boat out after the lightning strike

Future Plans

In the future, Plukky aims to sail around South America and Margarida seems to be a keeper.

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from Sailing Into Freedom?

➔ You don’t need the million-dollar boat

➔ Keep things as simple as possible

➔ You can thrive on a lean budget

➔ YouTube can pay well with bikinis

➔ Always (always) be mindful of reefs

➔ Women love simple men with boats 😉


Plukky is the epidome of true freedom on the open ocean, without the glitz, glam and unnecessary drama of other YouTube influencers.

He reminds us that we don’t need fancy equipment or expensive boats to realize the cruising dream.

And we certainly can’t wait to see what is to come!

Creating Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 It’s Joshua again….

Clearly I’ve been very inspired by Plukky and his catamaran videos…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

His is living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

Earlier I mentioned about finding the perfect cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➔ Generate a sustainable full-time income while working remotely

➔ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➔ Do it without selling to friends & family (’cause that’s icky, am I right?!)

➔ Share my lifetime passion of sailing, cruising and global adventures

Curious to learn more? Jump on the free training right now. 🔥

I’m Keen To Learn More

Free Range Sailing: Everything You Wanted To Know (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Free Range Sailing for 2023.

Over the last few years, I have spent 25 hours watching and researching everything I could about Troy and Pascale as I resonate a ton with their story and adventures.

Yes, I really am *that* obsessed with my fellow Australians!

If you wanted to know:

➔ How Free Range Sailing afforded their boat

➔ How they make their money today

➔ What boat they have and its upgrades

➔ How old is Pascale and Troy?

➔ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Free Range Sailing FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

S/V Mirrool

Crew Members

Troy Lechner (age 47)

Pascale Kate Angliss (age 37)

(Yes, almost 10 years in age between the two!)

Troy and Pascale met in Perth on the 31st of December 2014, and started dating soon afterwards, but they are not married, nor do they have any kids.

They consider themselves to be mostly pescatarian, enjoying a seafood + vegetarian diet as there is limited space for meat preservation on their yacht.

The Boat

Free Range Sailing’s yacht “Mirrool” is a Clansman 30 GRP Sloop made in 1969, from Gosford on the Central Coast of Australia. The ’30’ refers to the length of the yacht being 30 feet, while it only has a beam of around 6 feet and draft of 2 feet.

Their boat is currently for sale. This joins in a list of other sailing YouTubers who have recently either listed or sold their boat and ready for an upgrade.


Troy has lived on Mirrool since 2015 and Pascale joined in 2018, and together, they have added:

➔ New Rocna 22lb and Mantus 35lb anchors

➔ Yanmar 2GM20 diesel motor

➔ Katadyn PowerSurvivor Watermaker

➔New hard dodger (Troy built this himself actually)

➔Installing new rigging and overhaul during COVID movement restrictions

Interestingly, Troy has kept the original sail plan.


Free Range Sailing is in Perth, Western Australia.

They are sometimes weeks behind on their video production, presumably due to WIFI signal issues.

They have recently moved towards land-life:

Past Cruising

Troy and Pascale have sailed Mirrool around Australia. However, they haven’t been overseas as yet since their old yacht wasn’t a true bluewater cruiser.

Affording It

Troy worked numerous blue-collar jobs, often around the waterways. He’s a qualified captain as well as a commercial harvest diver which explains why he loves jumping in for dinner so much!

He saved up for many years and paid $57,000 AUD for Mirrool which included replacing some parts before he come on to YouTube with Pascale.

Pascale joined later and has contributed to some equipment upgrades from her personal savings.

She worked as a commercial lawyer at Murfett Legal in Perth and also did some backpacking and working overseas, particularly in Copenhagen and London.

Net Worth

Not all cruisers are rich…

Free Range Sailing’s net worth is $275,000 Australian dollars.

This shows that you don’t need to be rich or famous to enjoy #boatlife in 2023.

Making Loot

They make around $4,500/month on YouTube through:

➔ 500+ subscribers on Patreon, most paying $8/week

➔ Running ads on their YouTube channel

➔ Brand sponsorships on YouTube and Instagram

➔ Product referral links and discount codes (their promotion of the Fire to Fork book is one example)

➔ Occasional PayPal donations on their website


Unlike many other YouTubers who meet up with each other, Troy and Pascale have mostly kept to themselves with no other collaborations apart from family guests in episode 79.

We are certainly looking forward to seeing them meet up with Sailing La Vagabonde and Sailing Ruby Rose in the near future, given that both channels are very aligned with Free Range Sailing.

Big Moments

Troy and Pascale have had some interesting moments in sailing:

➔ Getting a hole in their boat in Episode 54

➔ Becoming stuck in 50-knot winds

➔ Installing an entirely new rigging system

➔ Painting their sailboat by hand

There hasn’t been as much drama on their YouTube channel when compared to several others, but they do have some click-baitey titles.

Future Plans

Given they have completed their circumnavigation of Australia, Troy and Pascale aim to spend more time exploring the Pilbara and Western Australia.

They’re selling their boat. Meanwhile, they’re care-taking for regional property owners in Western Australia as per Ep 208.

Could this be the direction of a new channel?

They may explore South-East Asia as international restrictions have eased. This has been drawn-out as the Western Australian government has been conservative on their international opening.

However, they are genuinely taking a break from sailing for a while. I believe they have needed a break after years of sailing.

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from these two legends?

➔ You don’t need a lot of money to find freedom

➔ A 30-foot yacht will circumnavigate Australia

➔ YouTube doesn’t need to be near-nude content

➔ Keep things real and avoid the click-bait drama

➔ Your sailing dream might be closer than it seems


Troy and Pascale perfectly fit the mold of free-range sailors. They avoid the bikini-style content and simply remain humble and true to the nature of cruising. Raw, real and unfiltered – the way we like it.

There is much the plastic/materialistic world could learn from their travels and lifestyle choices.

And despite moving towards a land-based lifestyle, they still remain resourceful, frugal and connected to nature, and the epidome of simple freedom.

And we can’t wait to see more, and of course, experience that freedom for ourselves.

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

I’ve been very inspired by these two and their travels…

Sailing the world is my childhood dream.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

MJ Sailing: Catamaran, Net Worth Crew and Earnings (2023)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on MJ Sailing for 2023.

Over the last 18 months, I have spent 32 hours watching and researching everything I could about MJ Sailing as one of their biggest fans.

Like most people, I am a little obsessed!

If you wanted to know:

➔ How MJ Sailing afforded their boat

➔ How they make their money today

➔ What boat they have and its upgrades

➔ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

MJ Sailing FAQs (April 2023)

Boat Name

Their new catamaran being built doesn’t have a name.

Crew Members

Matt Johnson (age 37)

Jessica Johnson (age 37)

Georgie (their cat, age unknown 🙂)

The Boat

Matt and Jessica are building their own custom 42-foot catamaran from existing kit plans in Maryland, MD, which will be their 4th sailboat in 10 years.

They have chosen the Max 42 SC with an owner’s cabin. This is a lightweight catamaran with a loaded displacement of just 7,700kgs, similar to the Seawind 1190.

You can find the boat plans from Max Cruise Marine.

They have three boats previously with 8 years experience as sea-based nomads.

1. A 1998 Hunter 240 which they learned to sail on (and hit numerous other boats in the process) which didn’t have a name.

2. A 1983 Trisalu 37 called Elements of Life which they sailed sailed into Carribean and Europe, which later was sold in the UK.

3. A 1989 Sabre 34 Targa called Serendipity. They sailed her into South America, the BVI’s, USVI’s and back to the United States to be sold in Indiantown, Florida.


It’s difficult to see what upgrades they’ll be doing with their boat build.

They have most of their hull done. Now it’s time to build the cabin, fit the electronics/plumbing and fit their new mast before their first shake-down cruise.


Matt and Jessica are building their boat within a small make-shift factory on Kent Island, Annapolis, MD.

Past Cruising

With their 2 previous boats, Matt and Jessica have sailed in:

➔ Florida

➔ Bahamas

➔ St. Barth’s

➔ St. Maarten

➔ Antigua

➔ Saba

➔ Azores

➔ Ireland

➔ Scotland

➔ Norway

➔ England

➔ Cayman Islands

➔ Honduras

➔ Guatemala

➔ Belize

➔ Mexico

➔ Bermuda

➔ Azores

➔ Madeira

➔ Canary Islands

➔ British Virgin Islands

➔ United States Virgin Islands

Affording It

Matt and Jessica had well paying jobs, saved hard, invested wisely and had equity from a house they built.

After they sold it, they worked online and used the sale proceeds of the house to buy their first boat.

Net Worth

YouTubers are often quite wealthy.

As of 2023, MJ Sailing’s net worth is $1,760,000 USD.

This is based on the value of their boat, online business and personal assets.

Making Loot

Their monthly income is approximately $12,000.

This estimation is based on:

➔ Youtube advertising revenue on their videos

➔ Purchases from the MJSailing Gear Shop

➔ Their 300+ Patreon subscribers

➔ PayPal donations on their website

➔ Amazon affiliate links under their videos

They also earn some free gear from Amazon Wishlists.


MJ Sailing has met with Sailing Doodles about 1 year ago.

I haven’t seen any other collaborations between MJ Sailing and other popular YouTubers.

Much of their latest content is, after all, dedicated to their catamaran build which will take one more year.

Big Moments

Some iconic moments in this YouTube channel’s history include:

➔ Exploring a nude beach in St. Barth’s which racked up 26 million views

➔ Adventuring in a boat graveyard with damaged boats

➔ Completing the Atlantic crossing

➔ Coming across the wreck of the SV Ellipsis

➔ Providing a glimpse into their financials of living on a catamaran

➔ Experiencing a fire at the marina

Future Plans

Matt and Jessica want to sail around the world once their build is done. It’s more than likely that they’ll sail the ‘coconut milk run’ from Florida to Australia.

And we’ll definitely welcome them with open arms!

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from this wonderful couple?

➔ There are many great opportunities in the world

➔ The American dream isn’t so safe nor romantic

➔ You can explore the world on a basic yacht

➔ It’s easy to save a fortune by building yourself

➔ Working online is now easier than ever before


Matt and Jessica weren’t lucky. They worked very hard to get to where they have but enjoyed wonderful moments along the way too.

They have found ways to thrive in challenging situations and a way to make bank using their own resources.

Better yet – they have moved away from the bikini/near-naked clickbaity approach to YouTube that other creators have, and towards actual boat building and sailing. True sailors, not lifestylers.

It’s fair to say that I’ll continue watching their YouTube channel for years to come. I can’t wait until their catamaran is built and ready for the open seas.

Meanwhile, I’m working on building my own digital assets to fund my own circumnavigation.

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

I’ve been very inspired by MJ Sailing and their boat build..

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)